Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

CJ in his cute dragon costume.  As you can probably tell, I love him, too, too, too, too muches!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


     I think we all know of Morgan's crazy obsession with all things Justin Bieber.  She is madly, deeply in love with the superstar and I have to admit, after seeing him live, I definitely see the attraction.  He's a cutie patootie!  But after hearing he was releasing a book?  Well, the old green-eyed monster raised his ugly head.  I mean, I've spent almost two and a half years writing my novel and this little punk releases a book in a matter of weeks?!?  Where's the justice in THAT??
     I did, however, refrain from shredding the posters that adorn Morgan's room, and as you can see, there was plenty of temptation.
       So, knowing how envious I was that this kid is now a published author, what does it say about me that I ran right out and bought Morgan the book?


Friday, October 8, 2010

Neither Time Nor Space

     This morning, I read a funny, heartwarming post over at the Girlfriend's Book Club about friendship.  I have a friend just like the one Lauren Baratz-Logsted spoke of and I only hope when Amanda and I reach the big 5-0 we can celebrate together in Italy!  Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Early Celebrating

This is Wes and his girlfriend, Amanda
They carved pumpkins last night.  This is Amanda's and this is one of the reasons I'm really beginning to like her! :)
And this is Wes' and this is another reason why I really love him.  He's the bitter end.

She's the Next Big Thing

Hannah had her debut role last week in her high school's production of ALICE IN WONDERLAND.  Being an underclassman, she only had a small role, but she really did shine!  Before opening night, I asked her what she wanted for dinner.  It was no surprise when she chose chili-cheese dogs.  But as her costume was white and knowing she can't eat anything without wearing it (kind of like her mom), we put a makeshift bib over her.
And of course, Daddy, had to bring her flowers:
You know, she may have a real talent for this acting thing...

Saturday, October 2, 2010


     I've often wondered why some people find it so difficult to be supportive.  I love my family and friends so much I try to support them in every way.  Sometimes, most times, they make decisions I wouldn't want them to make.  Decisions I question, only to myself.  I would never assume to tell anyone what is best for them.  Only a person who truly knows his/her own heart can do that.  But even when I question their decisions, I rally around them, hug them, tell them everything will work out great.  I thought that was what you do when you love someone.
     Cait has decided to home school and get her GED instead of finishing her senior year of high school.  It was a difficult decision, not because she is unsure, but because it goes against the 'norm'.  It was not made because she and her long-time boyfriend broke up recently, although that was definitely a contributing factor.  Cait and Nolan had been together so long they shared everything.  The same friends, social scene, activities, so of course, that would influence her decision.  But, Cait has discovered she can be her own person.  She doesn't have to conform.  She can be strong in her believes, in her faith and I could not be more proud of her.
     Oh, and she has already scored high enough on her ACT to be admitted to her dream school, Western Kentucky University next Fall.  And after she passes her GED has been approved for early admission at our local community college where she will attend one semester in January before heading to Western.  But, still, people are gossiping, judging, ridiculing.  People who should be the ones who love her most.  People she should be able to trust.  And it hurts.  It hurts her and that, in turn, hurts me.
     I'm struggling with so many emotions right now.  Anger.  Resentment.  Anger.  She is my child and when she goes through a difficult time, Mama Bear's claws want to extend.  I want to protect her, shield her from this pain, this betrayal, but I can't and there is no worse feeling.
     So, how do we, as parents, deal with something like this?  I don't know.  All I know is, this is a lesson we've all had to learn at one time or another if we have truly followed our hearts.  What is that lesson?  Some people only love you if you adhere to their way of thinking.  And that is not truly love.