Tuesday, August 3, 2010

True Love

     Often, we wonder what true love looks like.  We wonder if we will recognize it if we see it.  We wonder if we will know it when we feel it.  I have an amazing friend, one of my oldest and dearest, who is above everything, a Christian, a wife and a mother.  She and her husband have had and adopted 21 children.  Like I said, Amanda is amazing.  But more astounding than the fact that they are raising almost two dozen children is the fact that she was strong enough to support her son, Caleb's decision to join the military.  Now, I like to think I am a strong person and a devoted mom, but if Wes came to me with the same prospect, I think I'd drug him and when he awoke, we'd be Canadians.
     But Amanda is stronger than I and young Caleb has been gone from her precious arms for months.  There has been a hole in her mother's heart every day since that only Caleb can fill.  Yesterday, he did. 
     Below is a picture of Caleb's return and their first embrace.  And THIS is what true love looks like.

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet words Jill! I love you very much! But, I have to tell you that I too have watched you parent and you are a supportive mom...period! The hardest part of parenting is ALWAYS knowing that our will is ours and our incredible children? Well, they have thier own wills too:) Loving them means accepting choices sometimes that we might not have made for ourselves. We guard our children against sin....but how on earth do you guard them against honor? Even in Canada you would not be safe..lol! LOVE your blog!!!
