Sunday, November 14, 2010

Times...they are a'changing...

My oldest daughter, Cait has always been a source of pride and joy to me.  She is one of the most unique, thoughtful, caring, beautiful young women I have ever known.  She's always had a great sense of humor, but more importantly, she has always been able to laugh at herself.  This is Cait and Hannah when they were about five and four, respectfully.
Since the days when all she had to worry about was who got to ride in the Barbie jeep next, she has been through a lot of the same troubles any teenage girl goes through.  Good times, bad times, sad times, happy times, and she has always conducted herself like a true Christian.  (More times than I, know how evil you can become when someone hurts your child).  

The past couple of months especially have been hard on Cait.  As I've blogged about before, she has had to make some major life decisions and like any leap of faith, she didn't know where she was going to land.  Well, now we know.

Yesterday, Cait received her official letter of acceptance to her #1 college choice.  Though we knew she was accepted, there's just something about holding that piece of paper in your hands welcoming you to THE HILL.  

And, on another note, I have seen her beautiful heart mend miraculously over the past few weeks.  She is definitely moving ahead.  The only question now is with whom.  She has so many young men vying for her attention, I find myself asking her over and over, "Now, which one is he?" and "He's the one who..." :)

Of course, as with any young life, the future is full of uncertainties.  But one thing I know for sure, Cait will always make her Momma proud.  Love you, Cait!

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